About Our Town
Sherborn is a small, semi-rural town located about 18 miles west of Boston

Early Settlements
Indigenous People
Little is known about the local indigenous people. Various artifacts have been discovered throughout the town and the earliest deed of one area refers to the “old fields,” suggesting the existence of seasonal settlements. The names of the local tribes are uncertain as Sherborn seems to have been at the interface of the Massachusett, Nipmuch, and Wampanoag tribes. Several individuals connected with the Natick Praying Indian community kept land in Sherborn after its incorporation, including Peter Ephraim and Thomas Awussamoag.
Boggestow becomes...
The whole Charles River valley from South Natick to the falls at Medway kept its Native American name Boggestow; it was sought out by the English because of the abundant marsh grass growing on the wide flood plain. The General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony first made large (200-10074 acres) grants of land in the area that became Sherborn in the 1640s. Farmers were initially granted to individuals in payment of services to the colony. These owners later sold acreage to English settlers, the first resale being to Thomas Holbrook and Nicholas Wood in 1652.
Town Incorporation
By 1674 the English settlement of Boggestow had grown sufficiently to be incorporated as a new town. This meant that the land had not been part of another town. The name Sherborne was assigned by the General Court. The original area was of such an awkward shape that in 1679 the General Court allowed an exchange of 4000 acres with the indigenous people of Natick, thus forming most of the present town.
Sherborn Became an ``Established`` Town
English Settlers
In the decade after King Phillips War (1675-1676) Sherborn settlers organized the local government and drew up a Social Covenant, paid the indigenous people for the land title, attracted a saw miller, built a Meeting House and called the first minister. Home lots were granted throughout most of the present town during that period. In the second decade they formed a town militia company, hired a schoolmaster, and acquired a gristmill. By 1700 they had become an established town.
Late 1700's - Early 1800's
Late 1700's - Early 1800's
Located Along North Main Street
Cottage Industry
In the late 1700s and early 1800s several small cottage industries developed, particularly along North Main Street. They produced guns, shoes, willow baskets, whips, pitchforks and edge tools. Cranberries became an important crop, as well as mixed farming and dairying. Crops and crafts were sold in the Boston markets via stagecoach and later railroad.
Largest Refined Cider Mill in the World
Throughout its first three centuries Sherborn remained a small and relatively self-sufficient farming community. Little industry developed because of the lack of good water power, although there continued to be saw and gristmills on several small, intermittent streams. However, apples grew well, and there were always small cider mills. With the coming of the railroad and steam power in the 1870’s one mill developed further, until by the 1890's it was advertised as the ``largest refined cider mill in the world`` pressing over 1.25 million gallons of cider per season and exporting``Champagne`` cider as far west as Nebraska and Texas and as far east as England and Belgium.
Early 1900's
Early 1900's
Year-Round and Summer Estates
In the early 20th century several wealthy families moved into different parts of town and built estates for either year-round or summer use. Those remaining today are located primarily along the Charles River - The area of first settlement. Dairy and poultry raising increased in importance, as did service related jobs.
Post World War II
Post World War II
Disappearance of Family Farms
Following World War II the town began to change rapidly from one with a relatively static population (c. 1500) to a growing and transient one. Developments were built in 1, 2, and 3-acre zones. The disappearance of family farms accelerated as the town became increasingly suburban; today estate-farms form most of the few farms which remain. Still, with considerable open space, Sherborn is trying to retain its rural character, which is difficult as land prices and taxes escalate.
National Register Historic Districts
Because the town was relatively poor in the late 1800s and early 1900s few people ``modernized`` their old houses by tearing them down and rebuilding. As a result many of the houses built in 1700s and early 1800s remain, as well as six or more with late 1600s portions. Two National Register Historic Districts have been established to include the old Town Center and a two-mile strip along North Main Street; and scattered individual houses have also been listed: a total of 77 old houses. A very small Town Historic District also exists in the old Town Center.