Public Forum on the Sherborn History Center & Museum Monday, March 10, 7PM Sherborn Police Department Online via Zoom Meeting ID: 823 0105 8059Passcode: 334377 Come hear members of the Sherborn History Center and the architect discuss the new proposed home in the library, see renderings from the architect, and get all your questions answered. There will be a presentation, followed by Q&A and dialogue.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 126:30—7:45 PMCommunity Room Sherborn Library 4 Sanger St. , Sherborn , MA, 01770 Did you know that Holliston & Sherborn used to be one? Why did they split 300 years ago?! Join us for a look back at this historic event. Presentation led by each Town's Historian Betsy Johnson & Joanne Hulbert.  Register on the Sherborn Library website:

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 / 10:30-11:30 AM / SHERBORN LIBRARY Kevin’s informal talk covers a few of the main topics of his book about New England stone walls, The Granite Kiss (Countryman Press), touching on history, technique, stylistic development, and aesthetics. He explains how and why New England came to acquire its thousands of miles of stone walls, the ways in which they and other dry stone structures were built, how their styles emerged and changed overtime, and their significance to the famous New England landscape. Other topics may include: differences in approach between historical and contemporary wall-builders, a discussion of

Among the many Sherborn History Center & Museum’s 350th programs is a digital effort called Sherborn Stories. Created to dramatically increase our digital history presence, this is a crowd-sourced, community-wide effort to connect past & present through local stories of all scopes and sizes. Join us and learn about the innovative program’s goals and processes, and take a trip into Sherborn’s everyday life past with a site tour. The session will include a burst of joint exploration to see what we can collectively uncover about a potential story waiting to be revealed.  Optional but encouraged: bring along a tablet or laptop

"Sent to Sherborn" is hosted by the Sherborn History Center and Museum, and will be on Zoom on Tuesday, March 12, from 7 - 8:30 pm. Click here to register. Once you register you will receive the Zoom link. Or you can join us in the Community Room at the Sherborn Library to watch on the big screen. Dr. Freedman is joining us on Zoom from California.

“Honoring Indigenous History: the Eliot Indian Bible and the Natick Praying Indians” by Doug Brown. Tuesday, February 27, at The Sherborn Library, 6:30-7:30 pm. Focusing on the history of the Indigenous Peoples in this area prior to settlement and incorporation, Doug Brown will discuss the Praying Indians, the history of the Eliot Indian Bible, and a summary of King Philip’s war and its impact on the Praying Indians.  Hosted by the Sherborn Historical Society  co-hosted by the Committee to Celebrate Sherborn’s 350th Anniversary. Long-time Sherborn resident Doug Brown is a healthcare executive at UMass Memorial Health in Worcester.

This year Sherborn will celebrate the 350th year since incorporation. You are all invited to be part of this year-long celebration of Sherborn as we learn more about our history and look ahead with pride to our future. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for news of upcoming programs. Coming in February: “Honoring Indigenous History: the Eliot Indian Bible and the Natick Praying Indians” by Doug Brown. Tuesday, February 27, at The Sherborn Library, 6:30-7:30 pm. Focusing on the history of the Indigenous Peoples in this area prior to settlement and incorporation, Doug Brown will discuss the Praying Indians, the history of the

By-laws Revision Notes from the annual meeting, February 12, 2023. Of particular note at this meeting was the introduction of a motion to increase the number of members on the Executive Board from 9 to 13.  MOTION: that the membership of the Sherborn Historical Society amend its By-laws such that Article V, Section 2 Directors first sentence THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SHALL CONSIST OF NO FEWER THAT THREE MEMBERS NOR MORE THAN NINE MEMBERS be replaced with THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SHALL CONSIST OF NO FEWER THAN THREE MEMBERS NOR MORE THAN THIRTEEN MEMBERS. The motion passed unanimously. As a result the Nominating


Tue ‒ Thu: 09am ‒ 07pm
Fri ‒ Mon: 09am ‒ 05pm

Adults: $25
Children & Students free

673 12 Constitution Lane Massillon
781-562-9355, 781-727-6090