coming on April 3rd
Part of our ongoing program of fascinating in-depth looks at our local history. Please join us on April 3rd1
Happy Birthday Phyllis Braun
Board member Phyllis Braun celebrates her 100th birthday On March 12, 2024 Sherbornites gathered to celebrate the 100th birthday of Phyllis Braun, SHC&M board member. The Sherborn Garden Club's Floral Feast for the Eyes presented a magnificent display of "cakes" from organizations around the town. Margo Powicki and Sue Wetherill created our entry which drew attention to our current "in storage" status.
More about “Sent to Sherborn”
Retired Stanford history professor Dr. Estelle Freedman will discuss key aspects of the Sherborn Reformatory, a radical new institution run by women for women in the last quarter of the 19th century. Dr. Freedman is author of several important studies, including her superb books Their Sisters' Keepers, about turn of the 20th century women's prison reform, and Maternal Justice, a biography of Miriam Van Waters, the brilliant and controversial Reformatory superintendent in the 1930s-1950s and buried in our own Pine Hill Cemetery. Tuesday, March 12th, 7:00-8:30 PM on ZOOM and in the Community Room, Sherborn Library. This program is HYBRID.
Don’t miss this
"Sent to Sherborn" is hosted by the Sherborn History Center and Museum, and will be on Zoom on Tuesday, March 12, from 7 - 8:30 pm. Click here to register. Once you register you will receive the Zoom link. Or you can join us in the Community Room at the Sherborn Library to watch on the big screen. Dr. Freedman is joining us on Zoom from California.
Coming Soon:
“Honoring Indigenous History: the Eliot Indian Bible and the Natick Praying Indians” by Doug Brown. Tuesday, February 27, at The Sherborn Library, 6:30-7:30 pm. Focusing on the history of the Indigenous Peoples in this area prior to settlement and incorporation, Doug Brown will discuss the Praying Indians, the history of the Eliot Indian Bible, and a summary of King Philip’s war and its impact on the Praying Indians. Hosted by the Sherborn Historical Society co-hosted by the Committee to Celebrate Sherborn’s 350th Anniversary. Long-time Sherborn resident Doug Brown is a healthcare executive at UMass Memorial Health in Worcester.
Sherborn 350
This year Sherborn will celebrate the 350th year since incorporation. You are all invited to be part of this year-long celebration of Sherborn as we learn more about our history and look ahead with pride to our future. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for news of upcoming programs. Coming in February: “Honoring Indigenous History: the Eliot Indian Bible and the Natick Praying Indians” by Doug Brown. Tuesday, February 27, at The Sherborn Library, 6:30-7:30 pm. Focusing on the history of the Indigenous Peoples in this area prior to settlement and incorporation, Doug Brown will discuss the Praying Indians, the history of the
2024 Annual Meeting
The SHS Annual Meeting and Election of Officers was held Sunday February 11, 2024 at 2:00 pm. At the meeting the following motion was offered and accepted: To change the name from the Sherborn Historical Society to the Sherborn History Center and Museum The meeting was followed by "Antiques, Art & Collectibles in 2024" with Past President, Ken Van Blarcom. Attended by over forty members, the program was enthusiastically received. At SHS annual meeting, 2010 Kenneth W. Van Blarcom of South Natick (formerly of Sherborn), offered fresh insight into the art and antique market today, just where it has been,
From the 2023 Annual meeting
By-laws Revision Notes from the annual meeting, February 12, 2023. Of particular note at this meeting was the introduction of a motion to increase the number of members on the Executive Board from 9 to 13. MOTION: that the membership of the Sherborn Historical Society amend its By-laws such that Article V, Section 2 Directors first sentence THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SHALL CONSIST OF NO FEWER THAT THREE MEMBERS NOR MORE THAN NINE MEMBERS be replaced with THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SHALL CONSIST OF NO FEWER THAN THREE MEMBERS NOR MORE THAN THIRTEEN MEMBERS. The motion passed unanimously. As a result the Nominating
Introducing the new curator
Upon Betsy’s retirement the curatorship has been assumed by Martha Mahard. Martha grew up in Sherborn and graduated from the Dover-Sherborn Regional High School with the class of 1966. She received a B.A. degree from Barnard College, Columbia University and holds an M.A. in Theatre History from Tufts University, an M.L.S. and a Doctor of Arts degree from Simmons Graduate School of Library and Information Science. Her career in the Harvard University libraries included curatorial positions in the Harvard Theatre Collection (Houghton Library), the Loeb Library at the Graduate School of Design, and the Fine Arts Library. After completing her graduate
End of an era
At the recent Annual Meeting of the Society Betsy Johnson announced her decision to retire as Curator, a position she has held with distinction since 1987. The Board of Directors voted unanimously to honor her with the title of Curator Emerita. President George Fiske read the following statement:Today I have the honor of bestowing on Betsy Johnson the title of Curator Emerita as she steps down from this role which she has filled for thirty-six years. She has been an active member of the SHS for more than four decades, and will continue in her role as our Historian, while completing her book