250k by the 250TH
We are thrilled to announce the formal kick-off of the campaign for the Sherborn History Center. Our theme of 250k by the 250th is reflective of our commitment to raise $250,000 by June 17 – a special anniversary with great significance for America and our beloved Sherborn. That was the date 250 years ago when the Battle of Bunker Hill took place. Forty-eight men from Sherborn fought in that battle, and many of their descendants have given so generously to our town.
This will be so much more than a history center. It is our chance to continue our mission in Sherborn and experience our living history together, a place to bring our shared stories to life.
By co-locating within the library, this will be a way to inspire more community and civic engagement, to help bring people together to better understand our town’s journey, and to connect with each other for learning and growth in new and exciting ways.
We hope you will join in this effort and support this cause. Please consider a donation in any amount to help us make this once-in-a-generation opportunity become a reality for our town. A donor has agreed to match, dollar for dollar, any pledge made by April 15, up to $15,000! You can contribute via our website, and sign up for our emails to stay updated on our progress.
We warmly welcome you into this journey, and we ask for your help. Thank you!