250k by the 250TH
We are thrilled to announce the formal kick-off of the campaign for the Sherborn History Center. Our theme of 250k by the 250th is reflective of our commitment to raise $250,000 by June 17 - a special anniversary with great significance for America and our beloved Sherborn. That was the date 250 years ago when the Battle of Bunker Hill took place. Forty-eight men from Sherborn fought in that battle, and many of their descendants have given so generously to our town. This will be so much more than a history center. It is our chance to continue our mission in
Join our public forum
Public Forum on the Sherborn History Center & Museum Monday, March 10, 7PM Sherborn Police Department Online via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82301058059?pwd=2hoVRcBFFZ7lUHNqc1TIsaooaajM1Y.1 Meeting ID: 823 0105 8059Passcode: 334377 Come hear members of the Sherborn History Center and the architect discuss the new proposed home in the library, see renderings from the architect, and get all your questions answered. There will be a presentation, followed by Q&A and dialogue.