Celebrating Over 100 Years of Preserving Sherborn's Natural and Cultural Heritage

Sherborn Historical Society

100 Years and Counting



Clark’s store in the 1880’s. Located near the junction of routes 16 and 27, it served as the town’s store, post office, and information center from 1809 to c.1905

Yes, the Sherborn Historical Society, which was founded in 1911 and incorporated in 1913, has been preserving the town’s history and artifacts for over a century. Our extraordinary collection includes documents from the 17th century onward, a coffee cup used by George Washington, an extensive archive of Sherborn’s industries, as well as examples of 19th century clothing, furniture, tools and toys. Our research collection includes local histories, genealogy, architectural history and more than a thousand historic photographs.

Our exhibits, located throughout the Town Offices, provide a fascinating glimpse of some of the items in the museum collection, currently in storage, and act as a reminder of their value to the town and the need to find a permanent home for them.

We continue to work on inventory and preservation of the collection archives, particularly the books, manuscripts, scrapbooks, and historic clippings files, in preparation for our next home.

Please help us continue to preserve Sherborn’s heritage by becoming a member.

George F. Fiske, Jr.


In the late 18th and early 19th century Sherborn was a farm town characterized by cottage industries such as leather dressing, gun-making, cider-making and willow basketry.

News and Events

  • Public Forum on the Sherborn History Center & Museum Monday, March 10, 7PM Sherborn Police Department Online via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82301058059?pwd=2hoVRcBFFZ7lUHNqc1TIsaooaajM1Y.1 Meeting ID: 823 0105 8059Passcode: 334377 Come hear members of the Sherborn History Center and the architect discuss the new proposed home in the library,

  • We are thrilled to announce the formal kick-off of the campaign for the Sherborn History Center.  Our theme of 250k by the 250th is reflective of our commitment to raise $250,000 by June 17 - a special anniversary with great

updates on our collections

From the Curator

What’s Been Happening? While much of the collection remains in storage we have not been idle. For the past year members of the board of directors have been working on the extensive subject files which document town history, buildings, historic houses, industries, families and genealogy. Accumulated over more than 100 years the files have benefited from weeding, new folders, and in many cases rearrangement. Books from the original collection of 1913 as well as those accumulated since then have been inventoried, assessed for condition and labeled with accession numbers for future retrieval. Original documents including letters, accounts, and journals, have been gathered into one set of files arranged by name and re-foldered or marked for additional conservation needs. While the majority of the collection, particularly the historic objects, and display cases, remains in storage, we have plenty to work on for now and appreciate the opportunity to make use of this big pause.

Martha Mahard


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Covid 19 Update

Our Move

In order for the Sherborn Town Office building to re-open and resume operations, the Town Administration has had to reconfigure the various office spacing to comply with new social distancing measures. As a result, the Sherborn Historical Society has had to move the Museum out of our current quarters and into storage until space is available in another Town Building.

Education and Engagement


You can be engaged with Sherborn's preservation of history in many ways; including donations, volunteering and education. If you're interested in membership, click the ``Become a Member`` button below. Then print, fill out and mail the form back to us.


Tue ‒ Thu: 09am ‒ 07pm
Fri ‒ Mon: 09am ‒ 05pm

Adults: $25
Children & Students free

673 12 Constitution Lane Massillon
781-562-9355, 781-727-6090